Do Not Let Depression Control Your Life


Testimonials and Recommendations

LIVE+ has been proven to lower the symptoms of depression and let you take the world head on. Don’t believe us? Hear what others have to say!

Helen: LIVE+ works! Its reminder system keeps me motivated and keeps me moving forward for the entire day. After all, we don’t have time to be depressed in today’s busy world.

Alison: LIVE+ has changed my life. The best part is the feedback from my personal psychologist – saves me that much time and keeps me moving forward that much faster!

Dr. Johnson: With my twenty years of experience, I strongly recommend its usage to other practitioners. It allows constant monitoring of patient progress, which then helps me to efficiently adjust my treatment plan to ensure the greatest effectiveness.

We are available in

-Apple Store
-Android Market
-Blackberry App World

Get in touch with us

Tel: 010-310-234-5678